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Crimson king Norway maple

Acer platanoides ‘Crimson king’ | Family: Sapindaceae/Soapberry

submission: Chrissy McIntire



classic maple shape, dark green/red


long, thin, dark chestnut color


small green round clusters


winged pairs with clustered seeds


somewhat smooth, dull gray color

Hover over one of the descriptions to see an example.

picture of leaves picture of bark picture of twigs picture of fruit picture of flowers


Natural History:


Their typical-growing is 150 years.

General description—

These fast-growing trees can resist poor soil and pollution, it is also well known for overtaking other tree species and invade their natural ecosystems when planted in parks such as the ones in Toronto.

Natural distribution and habitat—

native to Eurasia, and it can also be planted in North America.

Conservation status—

no conservation issues since it is best not to plant too many of them since they easily overtake other trees when planted.


Since it was able to survive the dutch elm disease in the mid 20th century, it was replanted again in many parks.
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