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Hartley and Dina Johnson

From left to right: Hartley, Will'23, Drew, and Dina“We couldn’t be happier!”

We are STILL celebrating our son Will’s graduation from Landmark College this past May. How about you? Maybe the big day is approaching next semester, or it's been a few years.  

Yes, Landmark College helps students improve their study skills and create strategies for improving executive function; most of all LC helps them learn about themselves and achieve their social and academic goals.

Will was introduced to LC through the Summer High School Program in 2018. Five years (and miles of personal progress) later, he’s the proud holder of a B.A. in Studio Art. We couldn’t be happier! What comes next, you ask? Fortunately, the relationship with Landmark College does not end with graduation.

As a Landmark College alumnus, Will has a connection for job searches, interview skill building, career coaching, and resumé polishing. He can contact Career Connections now or a few years later with questions. Your graduate can too:

If you are grateful for your child’s experience at Landmark College, please take a moment to consider joining us in supporting that journey for future students. Your donation will help other students embark on their own amazing journeys, just as your student did – to learn, grow, and find their true selves. We hope you will join us in paying it forward and honoring the accomplishments of our graduates.


Hartley and Dina Johnson (Will’23)

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