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  • Seckel Pear

    /* */ #ident { display:grid; align-content:center; } .identImgs { border-radius:10%; border:1px solid black; width:auto; height:auto; } #ident h4,#natHist h4{display:inline;} #natHist>section{padding:0.75em 0;} @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { @supports not (display:grid) { #ident>section { width:50%; } #identImg { background:grey; width:45%; position:absolute; border-radius:5%; height:50%; left:53%; top:3em; } } @supports (display:grid) {…

  • American Sycamore

    /* */ #ident { display:grid; align-content:center; } .identImgs { border-radius:10%; border:1px solid black; width:auto; height:auto; } #ident h4,#natHist h4{display:inline;} #natHist>section{padding:0.75em 0;} @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { @supports not (display:grid) { #ident>section { width:50%; } #identImg { background:grey; width:45%; position:absolute; border-radius:5%; height:50%; left:53%; top:3em; } } @supports (display:grid) {…

  • Hackberry

    /* */ #ident { display:grid; align-content:center; } .identImgs { border-radius:10%; border:1px solid black; width:auto; height:auto; } #ident h4,#natHist h4{display:inline;} #natHist>section{padding:0.75em 0;} @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { @supports not (display:grid) { #ident>section { width:50%; } #identImg { background:grey; width:45%; position:absolute; border-radius:5%; height:50%; left:53%; top:3em; } } @supports (display:grid) {…

  • American Hornbeam

    /* */ #ident { display:grid; align-content:center; } .identImgs { border-radius:10%; border:1px solid black; width:auto; height:auto; } #ident h4,#natHist h4{display:inline;} #natHist>section{padding:0.75em 0;} @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { @supports not (display:grid) { #ident>section { width:50%; } #identImg { background:grey; width:45%; position:absolute; border-radius:5%; height:50%; left:53%; top:3em; } } @supports (display:grid) {…

  • Yellow Birch

    /* */ #ident { display:grid; align-content:center; } .identImgs { border-radius:10%; border:1px solid black; width:auto; height:auto; } #ident h4,#natHist h4{display:inline;} #natHist>section{padding:0.75em 0;} @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { @supports not (display:grid) { #ident>section { width:50%; } #identImg { background:grey; width:45%; position:absolute; border-radius:5%; height:50%; left:53%; top:3em; } } @supports (display:grid) {…

  • Without Landmark…

    Students contemplate what life would be like for them without Landmark College.

  • Academic Writing

    Academic writing generally refers to the kinds of prose used by college students, faculty, and researchers to write about subjects under study. Academic writing can be viewed as a kind of conversation, which is ongoing and open-ended: When new participants (students) join the conversation, they need to seek background information…

  • Active Reading

    Active reading refers to a process of deliberately engaging with the ideas and information in a text and often transforming that information into notes or other artifacts that record one’s understanding of and response to the text. Active reading can be described as sustained inquiry, or as a reader having…

  • Critical Reading

    Critical reading is a term sometimes used interchangeably with—or as a subcategory of—active reading. Like active reading, critical reading involves engaging with a text. But critical reading goes beyond merely reading for comprehension and retention; it is a way of thinking and delving deeply into a text for the purpose…

  • Organization

    In speaking and writing, organization can refer to the overall structure, that is, the order of ideas and information or paragraphs within a speech or piece of writing; or the order of sentences within a paragraph. Some types of academic and professional writing have standardized or prescriptive structures that writers…

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