Headshot of Sara Glennon

Sara Glennon



802-387-6746 [email protected]


Administration 204

Sara Glennon is a Professor of English and Coordinator of Writing Across the Curriculum at Landmark College.


M.A., English, Boston University

B.A., English, Hartwick College


The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Basic Writing, Third Edition, contributing editor (2010).


"Designing a WAC Program for Neurodivergent College Writers: Landmark College’s Experience," presented with John Kipp at CCCC, Conference on College Composition and Communication (Chicago, February 2023).

"Neurodiversity in the College Writing Classroom," Two Year College English Association, Northeast Annual Conference (Portland, ME - November 2011).

"From Dynamic to Deep Attention: Lessons from Working with College Students with AD/HD, "co-presenter, session on the Impact of Internet Technology on Student Attention and Learning, Conference on College Composition and Communication (Atlanta, GA - April 2011).

"Dynamic Classrooms for Dynamic Learners:  Guiding the Potential of Students with ADHD," co-presenter, workshop at Conference on College Composition and Communication (New Orleans, LA - April 2008).

Invisible Papers:  Invisible Challenges
"Challenges of Teaching Writing to Students with Executive Function and Written-Output Difficulties," co-presenter, Conference on College Composition and Communication (Chicago, IL - March 2006).

Effective Methods and Innovative Strategies for Writing Instruction
Week-long workshop presented to visiting educators at Landmark College (Summers 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2003).

Making Portfolios Meaningful for Students, High School and Colleges.
New England Regional Meeting of the College Board, panel participant (February 2001). Spoke about a portfolio approach to the admissions process and how this was particularly appropriate for students with learning disabilities.

The Impact of Learning Differences on Writing and Practical Classroom Strategies
"LD and AD/HD: What Service Providers and Instructors Need to Know," workshop presenter, Landmark College (1999).

Teaching Writing to College Students with Learning Disabilities and AD/HD
Presentation to 50-60 college-level educators from the capital region at George Washington University (Washington, D.C. -  October 1999).

Academic Interests

ADHD and Writing

College Reading Skills

Irish Literature, Jane Austen, Studies in the Novel

Neurodiversity and Writing Instruction

Students’ Attitudes and Apprehensions about Writing

Teaching Academic Writing

Teaching Writing in Hybrid/Online Settings

Study Abroad

Writing Across the Curriculum