Ph.D., Writing Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
M.A., Composition Studies,University of Maine at Orono
B.S., Secondary Education, English, University of Maine at Orono
Prior, P., Hengst, J.A., Kovanen, B., Mazuchelli, L., Mericle, M., Roozen, K., Turnipseed, N., Walker, J. and Ware, R. Troubling transfer: Why it’s past time to jettison plantation models of education.
Prior, P., Hengst, J., Kovanen, B., Mazuchelli, L., Turnipseed, N., Ware, R. (2024). Rearticulating theory and methodology for perezhivanie and becoming: Tracing flat CHAT assemblages and embodied intensities. Outlines. Critical Practice Studies, 24(1), 4–44. Link
Ware, Ryan, Zilles, Julie L. (2024). “Tracing Discursive Turbulence as Intra-Active Pedagogical Change in a Longitudinal Transdisciplinary WAC Program.” Link
Ware, Ryan. (2021). “God’s Absence During Trauma Took its Toll”: Dialogic Tracing of Literate Activity and Lifespan Trajectories of Semiotic (Un)Becoming. Written Communication, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 129-165. Link
Zilles, J., & Ware, R., & Mericle, M., & Prior, P., & Gallagher, J., & Popovics, J., & Cooper, L., & Elliott, C. (2022). Promoting pedagogical change around writing: Observations of discursive turbulence. Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. Link
Ware, Ryan, Turnipseed, Nicole, Gallagher, John, Cooper, S. Lance, Elliott, Celia M., Popovics, John S., Prior, Paul and Zilles, Julie L. “Writing across engineering: A collaborative approach to support STEM faculty’s integration of writing instruction in their classes.” Proceedings of the 126th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL. June 2019.
Kovanen, Bruce, Ware, Ryan, Turnipseed, Nicole, Mericle, Megan, Prior, Paul, Gallagher, John, Zilles, Julie L. “Implementing writing-as-process in engineering education.” Proceedings of the 127th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conferences and Exposition. June 2020.
IUSE AWARD # 2013443
Advancing Adaptation of Writing Pedagogies for Undergraduate STEM Education Through Transdisciplinary Action Research. Link
Academic Interests
Dialogic semiotics
Semiotic becoming
Literate activity
Cultural-historical activity theory
Transdisciplinary action research
Qualitative research methods
Rhetorical genre studies