Study Abroad Blog

July 26, 2019

Last Days in Edinburgh, Scotland

Friday, July 26

We spent our last days exploring Scotland’s capital city, climbing Arthur’s seat, an extinct volcano that forms the summit of a group of hills in Edinburgh, and sampling some of the local culture and cuisine. Students also worked on their final papers, in which they were required to draw upon their personal experiences, their excursions in Scotland, and their course readings to answer the question, “What is Wildness?”

Although students will be sad to say goodbye to Scotland and to “Auld Reekie,” as Edinburgh is affectionately known by the locals, I suspect they have acquired a taste for something here in the lowlands and highlands of Scotland that will draw them back to Britain’s north shores at some point later in their lives….

Final group meal at Shamoli, a Thai/Indian restaurant in the old town, Edinburgh, Scotland

View of Edinburgh castle and the rest of the city from the summit of Arthur’s seat

Jack at the summit of Arthur’s seat