Study Abroad Blog
NYC Blog Day 6
From Program Director Eve Khan: After yesterday’s long day of miserable weather and lots of walking, we woke up to the sun shining and much warmer temperatures today. Everyone was in good spirits as we made our way downtown to the Rubin Museum. Lots of amazing sketching going on and friendly disagreements about the color of the light inside the Mandala. Do we still know whether “is it green or yellow”?!!!
Tomorrow we will be going to our last museum of the trip (the American Natural History Museum) Time to get some rest. Good night!
Carson Melega sketching at the Whitney.
Steve Martinez making some last minute touches before sharing his work.
Chloe Lindsay finds a spot to sketch.
Eden Kayser and William Tinsley sketch away.
Samuel having a go with the gong.
Lana Deane and Samuel Rowlett discuss.